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Womb Surround
A Healing Approach to Early Trauma Resolution

  • Are you feeling stuck or is there a pattern in your life that you want to change?

  • Does your body need support in healing from past trauma?

These are questions that often arise when an early life experience, preverbal imprint or non-verbal memory is at the root.  We offer a safe and welcoming environment to support individuals in exploring and transforming early, restrictive patterns arising from these prenatal and perinatal experiences.  These early times extend from conception through gestation, birth and the first few years of life.  During this early time of life, our brain records implicit memories that are inherently more feeling and sensation based, which make them difficult to process verbally. Experiences during these early times can affect our development, long term health and well-being.  They can leave imprints or a felt sense, which can influence how we move forward into our lives, how we form relationships and our basic belief systems.


Dr. Ray Castellino is a pioneer in Pre and Perinatal therapy and he has developed Womb Surround process workshops.  These can be facilitated with an individual or a small group of 4-6 people where each person has a turn.  Each participant’s turn is governed by Dr. Castellino’s 8 Principles, which create a safe container for the work to unfold.  In the group format, each person witnesses the other’s turn, which is why the term coined for a session is “a turn.”  The session encompasses a body/mind centered and somatically oriented approach that supports a person in re-patterning these early life experiences.  Participants often share how the process is both empowering and deeply transformative.


What’s it like?  Sessions are facilitated by 2 practitioners, Natalie Garvey and Cindy Barnum, both of whom are students of Dr. Castellino. The process begins the night before with an introductory gathering dedicated to introductions, setting intentions and going over the main principles of the work, in addition to talking about the format of the steps in the session.  These steps help create safety and structure to proceed with the participant’s turn.   Tools used by the facilitators include, somatic(body) support, cranial-sacral work, reflective listening and energy awareness.


The following day, the session is dedicated to the deep exploration of the participant’s intention and what they want for themselves.  The turn lasts for about an hour and thirty minutes.  The exploration is facilitated with care and awareness providing a somatic approach for getting in touch with early life experiences and imprints/non-verbal memories at a pace that supports integration.  The turn also serves to create a coherent narrative and understanding about the history of what is being explored.  Often participants are able to better understand the usefulness of the strategies that have been used to survive and cope.  Once this is realized, it is easier to find other options to face our lives from our present age with more access to choice. 


Following the turn, a time to debrief will be scheduled with the participant.  The debrief allows time and space for cognitive integration, plus answer any questions that arise for the participant. The debrief is generally 30 minutes and takes place virtually via zoom, an online meeting platform.

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